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When there is light off in Madina

When there is light off in Madina, the streets are dark. It is quiet, the fans are out, no television, only mosquitos, buzzing around your head.

When there is light off in Madina, I feel a bit scared, cause I cannot see the people, coming towards me at the estate junction. I cannot see the gutter and I am scared to fall inside. It is also a favourite time for the robbers to come out.

When there is light off in Madina. I cannot cook, so I buy the fried rice and chicken, thinking, how I wish I could have some chinese instead.

When there is light off in Madina, we cannot sleep. Odruo is outside, sleeping on a small matress. Inside is very hot and outside is cooler small. Still the mosquitos are disturbing him, big time.
When there is light off in Madina, we like to disturb. Me and Kwame sit outside and we talk. We look at Odruo and we laugh plenty. He twists and twists, this way and that. We know, he will not sleep. We make some movement and we play xylophone. Odruo will never sleep.
When there is light off in Madina, we cannot sleep, we talk and laugh, making some agbana movement and the mosquitos are biting us to death.


I like the form. I think it is a poem. Nicely charged, just about enough words, not too many for its length. And the division, the rhythm is also good.