I look at you and I see the Devil
I see evil
And Blood
I want to run
But I am trapped in your presense
I want to scream
But nobody is listening to me
When I see you taking a bloody bite of your prey
I don't want to see you
But you are forcing me to
I want to warn them
But they don't listen
I want to rescue them
But it is too late
You look at me and you laugh
Because you know that I know and that I am helpless
When we hesitate for a second
The Devil takes spot immideately
If we let him
He will grow stronger
More powerful
Inside of us
Don't let him
Listen to your instincts
We are all protected
By our spirits
We just need to trust them
And let them guide us
So that the Devil can never
Enter inside of us
Almighty please protect me
From the evil that surrounds us