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She wears brown clothes
Her hair is long and grey
Her room is filled with smoke and she is sitting right in front of the fire
She has a pipe that she might be smoking
She talks slowly and uses her fingers to express herself clearer
She doesn't need to look at you to see you
Her vision is clearer than a young mind's
She whispers, with her eyes closed
She draws your family in the smoke, cures you from your illness with her herbs
She doesn't need your money, because she has no use of that
She doesn't want to leave her cave because her mountains with the snow tops and her rivers give her health, vision and tranquility

You have found out about her from your own blood running through your veins
She speaks to you in your dreams
You hear her voice when someone is sick
She speaks through you
You can't find her, but she always finds you
She sings, but you cannot
She smokes but you do not
She is very old and wise and you are young and eager to learn
She moves slowly and you run too fast
She lives in the ancient times and you live in the modern ones
